Sleep Testing – Irving, TX

The Answers You Need for a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping man hooked up to cords for sleep testing in Irving

For all of our patients, the first step towards reclaiming their rest and life from a sleep disorder is recognizing their symptoms. This will guide you to a professional evaluation that may include an in-lab or at-home sleep test that our team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving can use to gather important data that will help them determine a diagnosis and what types of treatments would work best for you. These tests are administered by our team and the results are evaluated by one of our sleep physicians. If you’re ready to start the next step on your journey towards improved health and wellness, call our office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about sleep testing in Irving.

Reasons Why I Need a Sleep Test

Frustrated man with beard and glasses rubbing his eyes

Sleep studies allow our team to diagnose and treat symptoms of your disorder, like sleep apnea. If you’re experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, a member of our team will likely recommend undergoing sleep testing:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Drowsy driving
  • Chronic snoring
  • Ceased breathing throughout the night
  • Insomnia
  • Moodiness
  • Depression
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Difficulty focusing or remembering things
  • Frequent headaches

How In-Lab Sleep Tests Work

Young woman with electrodes on the top of her head for sleep testing

At Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving, we’re able to complete the entire sleep disorder process, from an in-depth evaluation to testing and treatment, all within the comfort of our practice, including our in-house sleep lab that offers in-person and at-home tests for your convenience.

Typically, we recommend in-lab testing for patients with underlying medical conditions that could complicate the process so we receive the most accurate results. We’ll attach various monitors and sensors to the body that will track your heart rate, sleep time, apnea occurrences, sleep stages, as well as your brain and body’s activity.

Once awake, our sleep doctors will examine the data collected to determine whether you have a disorder. From there, they can determine the most appropriate treatment options for your situation.

Who Is a Good Candidate for an In-Lab Sleep Study?

Older man and woman smiling together outdoors

For most patients, we’ll recommend at-home sleep tests as they’re convenient and accurate, but in situations in which you have any underlying medical conditions or an extreme case of sleep apnea, we’ll likely refer you for an in-lab sleep study in Irving. This is because you’ll remain closely monitored by our technicians and we’ll receive a comprehensive analysis of your symptoms and situation based on your study so we can make the best calls for your health moving forward.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of an In-Lab Sleep Study?

Smiling senior woman with glasses

If you’re unsure of whether an in-house sleep study is right for you, some considerations to keep in mind if we recommend one include:

  • You’ll be professionally monitored by trained lab technicians as you sleep.
  • We’re able to gather more data with in-house sleep studies that can help our doctors make more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans for serious cases of sleep apnea.
  • Our sleep lab isn’t too far from our office in Irving, meaning less travel is necessary.
  • You’ll be connected to various monitors while you rest.

How a Take-Home Sleep Test Works

Close up of a hand with a finger sensor on the thumb

The alternative to our in-lab test is a take-home sleep study, which we typically recommend for patients who are expressing milder sleep apnea symptoms. We utilize a WatchPAT® ONE device that looks like a smartwatch with a small finger sensor connected to it. It’s able to track your PAT (pulsatile arterial tone) signal, heart rate, oximetry, actigraphy, body position, snoring, and chest motion.

When our sleep doctors collect and review the data stored on the device, they can then make a diagnosis and outline a treatment plan to address your symptoms and improve your quality of rest.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Take-Home Sleep Study?

Smiling man in orange shirt standing with arms crossed

Take-home sleep studies are ideal for patients who don’t have serious or complex symptoms of sleep apnea, such as those related to underlying health conditions. If you have difficulty falling or staying asleep, especially in environments outside your home, we may also recommend a take-home sleep study so we can get the most accurate results.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Take-Home Sleep Study?

Smiling man with glasses and a plaid shirt

Take-home sleep studies offer a range of advantages and disadvantages, including:

  • Your sleep doctors in Irving receive near-immediate access to the data collected by your WatchPAT® ONE device.
  • It’s portable and doesn’t require being hooked up to monitors and cords.
  • It’s a small device that doesn’t impede on your ability to stay or fall asleep.
  • The device is disposable, so you won’t have to return it to the office.
  • Parts of the device could come disconnected while you’re asleep, creating problems with data retrieval.
  • No technician will be monitoring you to ensure the device remains in place.