Frequently Asked Sleep Disorder Questions – Irving, TX

Our Experts Answer Your Questions

If you’re experiencing symptoms related to sleep disorders, like chronic daytime fatigue, depression, difficulty focusing and you have questions about the process of seeking out answers and treatments, we recommend reaching out to our team! We’ve also included some of the most common questions we receive from people below for your convenience. Let our team help you reclaim your sleep and health!

Sleep Apnea

What common symptoms are associated with sleep apnea?

Some common symptoms associated with sleep apnea include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Moodiness
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Depression
  • Acid reflux
  • Loss of libido
  • Frequent nighttime urination
  • Morning headaches
  • Loud, chronic snoring
  • Waking up gasping for air

How do we diagnose sleep apnea?

The first step of making a diagnosis is speaking with you about your symptoms and medical history. Based on this discussion, we’ll be able to recommend a sleep study if necessary, which can be performed by our in-house lab. Based on your situation, we may recommend either an in-lab or take-home sleep study that will provide our doctors with important data that will allow them to make a formal diagnosis and move forward with treatment.

Are there risks of untreated sleep apnea?

Untreated sleep apnea has serious health risks, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and more. This is due to the lack of oxygen getting to the brain because of airway obstruction as you sleep as well as the inability to reach a state of deep sleep that allows your body and mind to recuperate at the end of each day.

Is sleep apnea common?

An estimated 22 million people in the United States of all ages are affected by sleep apnea, with about 80% of those cases being mis- or undiagnosed.

What risks can lead to developing sleep apnea?

Your risk of developing sleep apnea can increase if you have excessive fat accumulation in the neck area, enlarged tonsils and lymphatic tissues, smoke, or consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Sleep apnea is also genetic.

Irving Texas sleep clinical director Doctor Kent Smith


Is it normal to snore?

Many people snore, and it doesn’t always mean that it’s due to a sleep disorder. However, if you experience other symptoms alongside snoring, like daytime fatigue, depression, or moodiness, it could be beneficial to see a sleep specialist in Irving to ensure you maintain good health and quality rest.

Can snoring be stopped?

At our practice, we offer oral appliance therapy as well as nutrition counseling to help reduce snoring that could be interrupting you and your partner’s sleep.

Doctor Kent Smith sitting in Irving sleep center

Is snoring attributed to other sleep issues?

While snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, it doesn’t automatically mean that  you have a sleep disorder. In order to determine whether your snoring is connected to sleep apnea, you’ll need to receive a professional evaluation from our team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving. We’ll discuss other symptoms you’ve been experiencing as well, and based off of our findings, we may recommend a sleep study to determine whether there’s a larger problem that needs to be treated.

Are there risks if snoring isn’t treated?

Untreated snoring can affect your quality of sleep and lead to more issues, like daytime fatigue and moodiness. If your snoring is related to sleep apnea, it can also increase your risk of developing certain medical conditions, like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Oral Appliances

What are the benefits of oral appliance therapy?

Oral appliance therapy is a great alternative for patients who aren’t compatible with CPAP therapy. Not only are our orthotic devices more comfortable to wear than a CPAP mask, but they also won’t make noise and are portable, making them a generally more convenient and comfortable solution for sleep apnea.

Are there any side effects to wearing an oral appliance?

Every patient is different, but our team utilizes the latest technology and appliance designs to make sure that each one is comfortable, effective, and fits perfectly. This helps lower any chance of a patient experiencing side effects like tooth and jaw discomfort and dry mouth. Should these unwanted effects occur, we can provide patients with exercises to help minimize or eliminate them.

Does insurance cover oral appliance therapy?

Most medical insurance plans will cover a portion or all of the cost for OAT with a formal diagnosis. Our team works closely with patients and their insurance providers to make sure that all necessary forms are submitted to receive pre-authorization for treatment as well as minimize any out-of-pocket costs. If you have Medicare or Tricare, you can expect your plan to cover 100% of the cost of sleep apnea treatment.